The EU Health Directive of 1st of January 2006 allows EU citizens to receive health treatments in EU member countries as well as in Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.
Cyprus as part of EU makes available health services to every EU citizen.
If you wish to have an EU certificate you should make an application to the Health Service in the country of your residence.
Although you should keep in mind that the EU Health card does not cover full travel insurance.
EU Residence Health Certificate
As soon as you obtain your yellow slip temporary residence document you may apply for a Cyprus medical card.
In order to get a card you should contact Ministry of Health or Cyprus State Hospital, where you will be given an application form for your Cyprus Medical Card. The application should be submitted with appropriate E-form and supporting documents.
If you are a pensioner and you are not working in Cyprus, you will have to confirm that you receive a pension from your domicile.
Medical card will entitle you to receive health treatments for the duration covered by this card.
If you require private medical insurance, you can find different types of insurance in Cyprus, separated by levels of cover and cost:
- Cyprus Local Private Medical Insurance: limited cover, lower cost, acute conditions only.
- International Private Medical Insurance: fit international workers, highest cost.
Non-EU Residents Health Insurance
If you domicile is a Non-EU country and you are planning to move to Cyprus, you will require private medical insurance in order to continue you immigration procedure. After you get your pink slip temporary residence document, you should follow steps, mentioned in paragraph "EU Residence Health Certificate".
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