Private property is the right of persons to own and control capital, land and other forms of property.
Private property is a different than a common property and it refers to assets by a business entity or by individuals.
Below you can find some relevant information regarding private ownership law.
- The owner of the property is allowed to sell, to rent, and to make other actions to his property which may include inheritance, sucession, gift and assignment.
- Depending on the type of property the owner may have internal changes or addictions if it does not affect the bilding structure. Prior to the mentioned actions he should inform an architect and to obtain an approval from government.
The owner is not allowed:
a) to use his property for unlawful purposes;
b) to change the purpose of the property unless you have an approval for it;
c) to create unreasonable disturbances of the other people;
d) to store chemicals that may case health problems;